Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas and Other Smugglers of Kuliai


Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas and Other Smugglers of Kuliai

The excursion reveals the stories of local people’s lives and introduces to their temper. The tour is relaxing and convenient with short distances around the area. Visitors will learn about the booksellers and the reasons, why Kuliai emerged as a 19th century centre of booksellers.

During the tour, you will learn what pecularities were crucial for Kuliai to stand out from the surrounding settlements and to become a bookselling center as well as what caused the fact that 95 percent of local inhabitants were already literate in the second half of the 19th century and which Lithuanian nobles contributed to the publication and distribution of banned press in Kuliai. Visitors will find out, where it is best to hide banned books and press and they will learn about historical schools and contemporary art dedicated to bookselling here in Kuliai.

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