Sofia Kymantaitės-Čiurlionienė’s Kuliai

Sofia Kymantaitės-Čiurlionienė’s Kuliai

During the excursion, visitors will find out how famous Lithuanian public figure, writer, poet, dramatist, pedagogue, art critic and translator Sofija Kymantaitė-Čiurlionienė is related to Kuliai.
Visitors will hear Sofia’s beautiful and unusual story and will visit her room. Sofia was the wife of Lithuania’s most famous painter and composer Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis, who visited Kuliai several times. The guide will take you to the “Meadows of Honey” where both Sofia and Mikalojus loved to go for a walk.
An additional education named “Sofija’s Coffee with ancient pies” is highly recommended during the tour. Participants may have it whether in “Culture kitchen” or outside the building under the Vaižgantas’s Oaks.

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