Opening of international exhibitions “Cultural Boiler”

Opening of international exhibitions “Cultural Boiler”

On July 6, three expositions of international creators will be opened in the cozy, cozy spaces of “Kultūros virenes”:

On the 1st floor of “Kultūros virenės” there will be exhibitions of two creators “Anthropocene through the eyes of a contemporary artist”

Authors: painter Zdenek Danek (Czech Republic) and artist, scenographer Renata Valčik (Lithuania).

Zdenek Danek, a well-known and popular painter in his country, a graduate of the University of Applied Arts in Barta and the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, is coming to Kuli from the Czech Republic. In his work, the artist develops landscape themes, his paintings reflect the clash of nature and civilization. The painter is no stranger to irony and humor, and some of the works in the exhibition on the theme of the Anthropocene are painted with special paints that absorb carbon dioxide. The creator spends a lot of time in nature, because on specially processed sheets of wood he became only from nature. Although his source of inspiration is conceptual art, Z. Danek remains faithful to his favorite and perfected style of realism in painting. More about the author and his works:
Some of Z. Danek’s works will be available for purchase after the end of the exhibition. The exhibition will be open until mid-autumn.

Active Lithuanian artist, scenographer Renata Valčik will present her own interpretation of the Anthropocene in “Kulturos virenė”. She will present the cycle of drawings “Ex manum” (Latin: “Out of hand”), which is an ironic, allegorical depiction of human activity. You will see three-dimensional scale models exhibited in a specially simulated architectural space. In Renata Valčik’s exhibition, you will see three possible versions of our world: the real nature, the planet of people and the planet with the results of human activity.
Renata Valčik creates scenography for performances, films, art exhibitions, her work is characterized by a refined space, a precise combination of light and colors.

During the opening evening, you will be able to meet the creators, hear their stories about the prepared expositions, and ask your questions. Some of the works exhibited in the exhibitions were created during the artists’ residencies in Kuliai.

The activities of exhibitions and residencies “Anthropocene through the eyes of a contemporary artist” are partially financed by the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms program “Kultura”. Co-organizer of exhibitions in Kuliai: VšĮ “Kintai arts”.

An audio-visual installation will be presented in the vaulted basement of “Kulturos virenė”. “Current and Time”

Authors: Tomoo Nagai (Japan) and Renata Valčik (Lithuania).

Scenographer, artist Renata Valčik and Japanese percussionist, composer Tomoo Nagai are a creative duo that has already presented more than one joint work. Complementing each other’s talents, Tomoo and Renata surprise the visitors of their installations with mysterious, minimalist forms, unexpected sounds and authentic combinations of images and sounds. Sound designer Tomoo Nagai creates music for film, theatre, performance art and public spaces, and performs with percussion around the world. T. Nagai will visit the Sofia festival for the second time, his previously created installed sculpture has already enriched Kuliai’s public spaces.

Both authors of the exposition will participate in the opening of the exhibition and meet with art fans.

The organizer of the exhibition is Public Enterprise “Domus alba”. The exhibition is partially financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture.

Visiting exhibitions is free.

The implementation of the project “Open community creative space in Kuliai” is financed by the financial mechanisms of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway under the “Culture” program.

Project executor: “Alantas” community of Kulių region of Plungė district.

Project partners: Kulių Culture Center, VšĮ “Domus alba”, Taško Theater, VšĮ Kintai Arts Residency, M. K. Čiurlionis House, Asociacija mano miestas Klaipėda, MB Classics – Opera opus (Norway), Company B. Valiente (Norway), Plungė District Municipality , Klaipėda Youth Theater, Kulių Gymnasium.

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