Theatricalization of Kuliai’s Jomark

Theatricalization of Kuliai’s Jomark

Kuliai jomarkas is an inseparable tradition of the Sofia festival, where all the creative energy accumulated during a week of watching and enjoying the events of the festival program explodes like a firework. This year, the colorful Sunday event that fills the park and its entrances in Kuliia town offers a colorful bouquet of activities, sights and tastes!

Theatrical Kulių jomark is waiting for you:

2:30 p.m. free children’s performance “Professor and the Flea” by the Dulidu Clown Theater Studio. The show will take place in the circus tent. Charismatic and unpredictable actors and animators accompanying Jomark’s guests throughout the day. A market of handmade works of artists, creators, designers. Artists, tailors, folk artists, wood and leather craftsmen, jewelers participate. Hat parade – hats were created during the creative workshop of the festival with the advice of costume designer Sandra Straukaita. Performance of the brass band “Kulių dūdoriai”. A series of Jomark Games events with a bookish theme: the Book Porter, the Great Jomark Quiz and the Speed Reading Championship. Relaxing breathing workshop and ice bath challenge. Gastronomy and belly pleasure zone: warming stew, elegant bagels, sweet waffles, Sofia’s special drink, multi-level burgers, Kuuli hunters feast. All at an affordable price! The performance of a guest from Ukraine, accordion virtuoso Oleg Podolsky. This musician is a soloist of the Chernihiv Philharmonic, a laureate of international competitions.

The book market of Raimonda and Valentina Masalskii, the hosts of the festival. A steampunk workshop where old things come to life and take on a new form. For the youngest guests of Jomark – pony riding. The performance of Ryla and Žužu, the only western rylinist in Lithuania. A flea market where every buyer will be able to find something they didn’t even know they needed…

Possibility to visit “Kultūros virene” – a new cultural, artistic and community space in Kuliai, at Liepų st. 1. It is a reconstructed, authentic architecture of the 18th century. cultural heritage building, where exhibitions of international artists opened during the festival await your attention.

It doesn’t matter if you live in Kuliai or if you’re just passing through for a while – we welcome everyone!

The implementation of the project “Open community creative space in Kuliai” is financed by the financial mechanisms of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway under the “Culture” program.

Project executor: “Alantas” community of Kulių region of Plungė district. Project partners: Kulių Kulturos centras, VšĮ “Domus alba”, Taško theater, VšĮ Kintai Arts Residency, M. K. Čiurlionis house, Association Mano miestas Klaipėda, MB Classics – Opera Opus (Norway), Company B. Valiente (Norway), Plungė district municipality , Klaipėda Youth Theater, Kulių Gymnasium. Together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

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